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The murmurs of the General Assembly: ISMUNHK 2024

By Megan Chan

As the chair begins calling delegations, shouts of ‘present” and “present and voting” fill the room, already buzzing with murmuring delegates, excited to begin Day 2 of ISMUNHK 2024. They begin to discuss the topic of discussing the Saudi Arabia - Iran Proxy conflict, as the delegation of China says is of “utmost importance to the General Assembly.” 

The proxy conflict involves “emerging powers” making themselves known to the world, mainly due to the political and economic struggle for the future in respect to the historical contexts of the two countries. This acts as one of the main clashes, because they have different religious beliefs and different ideologies, as well as the potential of having individual gains against regional stability. 

During the opening speeches, the delegations of Iran and Saudi Arabia have spoken. The delegation of Iran highlighted the significant impacts that the proxy conflict has had on its country, including main economic control losses, environmental damages and more. They have expressed the urge to prevent a similar crisis in the future. On the other hand, the delegation of Saudi Arabia pushes for the need of better security, and calls upon the international community to support them. Saudi Arabia had already previously agreed to build a diplomatic relationship with Iran, despite all the complexities of the past and their culture. 

The delegation of Yemen, another important party in this issue, has also stated the facts that pose significance in this issue. 4.3 million people had been displaced during the conflicts, with deaths rising to 400 thousand due to this conflict as well.   

All countries wish to solve this issue on the grounds of peaceful needs. 

The delegation of DRC had motioned for the General Speakers List to be open, consequently the highly enthusiastic General Assembly began to raise their placards as high as they could to be chosen by the chairs (most of them got in anyways). DRC delegates yielded themselves to be open to any and all POIs, as after the delegates of Iran asked their question more delegates began to raise their placards. The delegate of DPRK had asked the delegate of DRC why they think the times have changed to this day that would help solve the conflict, with the exchanged answer being that they believe there should be more cultural exchange. 

In addition to this, the delegation of DPRK had begun to talk about the potential supply of nuclear weapons to both Iran and Saudi Arabia. The moment the delegates opened themselves to 4 POIs, delegates immediately raised their placards in hopes to question them on their ideology of mutually assisted destruction. They believe that no country would want to cause a small-scale war, due to the fact that they may face retaliation, perhaps from other countries or even their own country. There was also a request for a fact check on the democracy index by the delegates of Israel, who at the time wanted to rebut the delegates of Iran’s speech. 

The constant murmurs between the delegations display a common form of dialogue. The discussions of what POIs to ask, what speeches to make, and the constant exchange of motivating their fellow delegates, show the teamwork to forage diplomacy through dialogue. Their enthusiastic approach to initiating conversation with each other shows diplomacy during the unmoderated caucus as well, where during this session they separate workload in order to effectively produce the needed resolutions in this conference. 

The delegates of Saudi Arabia as a closing to the many received POIs had said that they wish to come to an end in the conflict, and come to peaceful grounds with each other.  Many delegates would like to conduct peace talks, and therefore it is hoped that all delegates will come to an agreement today, in ISMUNHK 2024. 


Inter-School Model United Nations Hong Kong 2025

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