By Ceci Lo
After yesterday’s fierce discussion on late punishment before everyone goes home to grind for topic 2, the conference starts today with 1 chair out of 2 and 2 missing delegates.
When the session started at 9:08, the ally discussion had started before 8:45, which is even before the journalist had arrived at MU. With the UK and US delegates absent and not voting, the bloc they had formed yesterday fell apart, leaving them with the Anxiety (from inside out 2) of befriending unknown allies. Yet the conference officially started with a chair’s comments on the previous session that delegates should be forming ‘dialogues’, responding to former delegates’ GSL which is the theme of the conference. However, the delegates continue to read from their prepared scripts as Anxiety keeps being active in their minds.
Under the pressure of allocating 2 hours for ‘fun activities’, the conference quickly moved to separating into blocs and writing resolutions right after GSL. They divide themselves into 2 blocs, one made mostly by developed countries that thinks weaponizing AI should be controlled but not demolished and the other bloc thinks the world should ban it completely. However, both of them share a common stance on emphasizing the importance of education such as digital literacy, equal access.
During unmoderated causes to discuss the amendment, the chairs reminded the council of the late punishment. The chair suggested late delegates (including late chair) to grab a bunch of roses an throw it to other council (ASEAN was the victim). The situation became a hazard until the chair of ASEAN yelled “UNESCO GET OUT!!!” But some delegates claim that “these are our love for you”.
The earlier bloc made up by mostly developed countries combat with LEDCs bloc by “You’re poor!! Go cry about it!!”, implying that their amendments are the best. The developed countries’ bloc also has an iconic opening line which is “this is TRASH” employed by every delegate.
As the discussion continues to spice up, it ultimately goes back to the problem discussed yesterday which is the problem of corruption in LEDCs and ways to guarantee that funds are used efficiently. Moreover, there has been a very controversial speech against LEDCs’ resolution which argues that children should be taught about AI since kindergarten. The against speech raise a point of ChatGPT’s users guidelines that list users under age 13 should only use it with guardianship, evoking a wild debate of whether children should learn or use AI at all.
Despite former grudges, both resolutions are passed. Leading fierce for and against speeches that conclude the amendments from the bloc made up by LEDCs. But as delegates’ hunger grew, they started exploiting the note passing as a medium for lunch discussion. The delegates of Chile and South Africa even use iPads to communicate their ‘lunch resolution’ across the room. Being speechless by the act, the chairs ended the session 1 minute earlier for lunch.