By Megan Chan
As the chairs of the Historical Security Council constantly bang their gavel to stop the delegate of India, motivated to continue his speech, it is evident that every country is enthusiastic about solving the situation in Cyprus.
2 communities were separated in Cyprus for a long period of time. According to the well written chair report of the HSC, “Cyprus’s situatoin is unacceptable and must come to an end.” With the situation beginning from historical ethnic development within the region, where Greek culture got hit although not suppressed completely. This includes the Catholic Venetians suppressing Greek Orthodoxy actively, and more.
As there are many objections for a moderated caucus, GSL speeches had begun. Placards shot into the air as the chairs called for any motions on the floor. As delegates stood up one by one to speak, discreet note passing was occuring to lobby with other delegates. The chairs smiled hesitantly, as more and more delegates requested for follow ups despite the restrictions on POIs. The real fighting for each country’s stances had begun.
The representative of the Turkish Cypriot had proposed a 3 point plan, which included the stationing of Turkish Troops to go against aggression that may be potentially faced. In addition to this, there was a long fight of fact checks between the delegates, and every delegate sat on the tip of their seats to find out what goes on next. Notes flew into the air, as note-passers ran around frantically, assisting the delegates in their debate and communication.
The intense debate hoisted between the two delegates piqued everyone’s interests, as the chairs quickly ran through the search engines to assist the delegates in debate who had requested for a fact check. This fact checking showed the huge passion for debate from delegates, and intrigued other delegates to be involved in the committee session. It was evident that the delegates wanted to provide others with the most accurate and precise information possible, showing how they would like to facilitate dialogue in the best way possible.
Although “terribly sorry” for rejecting the motion to extend POIs by 1, the chairs were still interested in what sorts of debate may take place during council sessions. Chair Vanessa Kan says she poses a liking towards the topic due to how it gave opportunity for a lot of political dialogue. This topic engages with not a lot of issues on humanitarian aid, and encourages the discussion of political theory. This includes how the delegate of China had mentioned confederations and federations, with different government types. This is more subtle for HSC and has less obvious clashes. There are also three distinct stakeholders, and this topic overall is a very unique topic for the Historical Security Council.
The committee is dismissed for lunch, having a fulfilling meal to begin debate once again afterward.